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Chinese North American History Museums and Historical Associations

These following organizations do valuable work in preserving and sharing the valuable stories of Chinese immigrants in North America over the past century.  Please support them by visiting their sites if you are in the area or perhaps a small donation to their cause if you are feeling generous or grateful for their important work.  Please also help spread the word of their existence so that others shared in the knowledge of just how much Chinese immigrants have contributed and benefited society in North America over 150 years!

Chinese Museums and Historical Societies in Canada

Chinese Canadian Archive in Toronto:

Chinese Canadian Museum in British Columbia:

Lytton Chinese History Museum in British Columbia:

Chinese Canadian Historical society of British Columbia:

Chinese Museums and Historical Societies in the USA

Museum of Chinese in America(MOCA) in New York City:

Chinese American Heritage Foundation of Boston:

Chinese Historical Soceity of New England:

Chinese American Museum of Washington DC:

Chinese Historical Society of Memphis and the mid-South:

Delta Chinese Heritage Museum in Mississippi :

Chinese American Museum of Chicago:

Mai Wah Museum of Montanna:

Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience:

Chinese Historical Society of America Museum in San Francisco:

Chinese American Museum of Northern California:

Chinese Historical Society of Southern California:

Chinese American Museum Los Angeles:

Ventura County Chinese American Historical Society:

San Diego Chinese Historical Museum:

Hawaii Chinese History Center:

Hawaii Chinese History Center:

Ho Wing Museum of Maui:


Chinese American WW II Recognition Project:

Chinese Family History Group:

Dr Sun Yet San Foundation of Hawaii:

About: About
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